Saturday, January 16, 2010

Reflecting on learning theory articles

Week 2 Entry for EDUC 6115

Article #1
de Freitas, S., Rebolledo-Mendez, G., Liarokapis, F., Magoulas, G., & Poulovassilis, A. (2010). Learning as immersive experiences: Using the four-dimensional framework for designing and evaluating immersive learning experiences in a virtual world. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(1), 69-85. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2009.01024.x.

This article intrigues me as it discusses the types of learning that can be done by setting up virtual world and using role playing. I have only used a virtual world in showing students specific things, like the 3-D model of Shakespear's Globe Theater. WE haven't worked within that world as a learning environment. This article suggests that learning takes place within the context of the social interactions that occur within the virtual world, as well as within the context of the experiential learning itself. I hadn't thought about that before. Interestingly, it also stresses the fact that activities can be structured to be used within this virtual world to encourage learning to take place. This type of activity promotes lifelong learning, of which I'm a huge proponent. I like to be able to answer the "Why are we learning this?" questions. What we teach needs to be relevant beyond our classrooms. I also like the idea that some structure can be provided because with my limited exposure to virtual worlds mostly through video gaming and such, I thought learning was purely coincidental. So, I'm just wondering how I can set up a virtual world to capture the themes of Catcher in the Rye in order to update it making it even more relevant to today's teens. I certainly agree with the statement in the abstract that reads, "The challenges that remain . . . rest with the design and delivery of these activities and experiences" (deFreitas, et al. 2010). This makes me think......

Cutrim Schmid, E. (2008). Potential pedagogical benefits and drawbacks of multimedia use in the English language classroom equipped with interactive whiteboard technology. Computers & Education, 51(4), 1553-1568. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2008.02.005.

The second article I looked at pertains specifically to the subject area I teach in, English, in terms of the impact of using an interactive whiteboard for multimedia purposes and how this ties into cognitive learning theory. This articles points out both the pros and cons of the use of this application, which is encouraging since I have only been encouraged by my school to use the whiteboard in such a way because the money was spent on it. Learning beyond the basics has been low on my priority list because I haven't had an idea of its potential. In reading the article, it points out, among the list of positives, that the multimedia capability allows students with different learning styles to perceive the information in ways not otherwise possible. Thus, for some, it can make abstract concepts more concrete (Schmid 2008). Similarly, the ability to imbed other resources, such as video clips, within the multimedia presentations, seemed to encourage learners to make connections more easily without being distracted with the movement from one resource to the next and created more channels for learning the concepts(Schmid 2008). A major drawback that was mentioned is that the amount of information that can be presented to students using the whiteboard in this fashion can be overwhelming. It allows for much faster movement between pieces of information (Schmid 2008). I think this would be a valuable idea to keep in mind, especially if using this format to teach English to English Language Learners. Time needs to be built in to absorbing the material.

Both articles point out the need for careful thought and planning when designing curriculum that uses these technologies. They are there, and they can be good, but they need to be used wisely.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Setting up this blog for EDUC 6115

Well, I get more practice with blogging! We just set up one for my daughter who is fundraising to go to Costa Rica this summer, so now Mom gets to follow suit! I'm interested in learning more about this! Lori